Sweden’s reputation for producing forward-thinking and world-leading engineering rests on the success of companies such as Consat. The Consat group was founded in 1986 and now consists of a number of innovative companies operating in the inter-related fields of engineering and technology. With services in IT, life sciences, vehicles, automation, product development, energy efficiency, electrification and system maintenance, Consat provides advanced expertise focused on developing smart, green cities for the future through innovation and collaboration.

A red truck with a crane in the background, prominently displaying the ConSat logo.

Maximising efficiency

Divisions of Consat outside of its main engineering business (Consat AB) include Consat Telematics, Consat Engineering, Consat Sustainable Energy Systems, Consat Data and Consat Innovation Partner. The group’s strong belief in sustainability and the importance of smart cities is exemplified by the work undertaken by Consat Telematics, which delivers intelligent systems for public transport that are designed to maximise the efficiency of road and transport networks. Its scalable technology can be used on buses, trams, ferries and light rail systems, and has a range of uses including traffic management and fleet management facilities. Additionally, Consat Telematics enables the smooth transition to e-mobility, offers passenger real-time information, and features many other data services, all orientated around the goal of improving the efficiency of public transport by delivering more information to operators and users alike.

The innovative Consat Telematics systems can improve and streamline public transportation – and cities are starting to recognise the importance of investing in public transport infrastructure to improve accessibility for citizens in the most environmentally friendly manner possible. An efficient public transport network leads to a reduction in the number of private cars, which leads to fewer emissions.

“The aim of optimising public transportation and supporting progress towards electrification derives from a more general desire at Consat to improve society and the environment”

Streamlining public transportation

Consat Telematics has worked with public transportation systems since the late 1980s, initially with the Gothenburg tram system. Since then, Consat has become the leading Nordic supplier of public transport systems, offering turnkey solutions designed and produced at its head office in Partille, near Gothenburg, supported by local teams around the world who deliver a timely, on-site presence. Consat Telematics is currently operating in Sweden, Norway, Canada, Australia and Brazil, therefore ensuring a presence on four continents. In Oslo, the system is used on the city’s electric bus fleet, in British Columbia, it is used on buses in 21 regional transit systems. The system in Canada uses the state-of-the-art technology Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) hardware and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) software to improve data collection for public transit systems, while enabling improvements to accessibility with automatic voice annunciators and visual displays for upcoming stops.

The aim of optimising public transportation and supporting progress towards electrification derives from a more general desire at Consat to improve society and the environment. Much of the company’s work is designed to support the transition towards smart cities and a greener world, and all Consat’s engineering companies aspire to sustainability, striving to find solutions that will have the least impact on the environment in every project. As well as improving the efficiency of public transport, Consat has expertise in electrification enhancing energy efficiency in real estate and industry, boosting sustainable protein production and working with smart LED lights for growing crops.

See also

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